Co-marketing with your partners

co-marketing and sales channel management

Distribution Lines Reliant on Co-marketing

Some industries rely on co-marketing and sales channel management for a large part of their revenue. Rachael has a long track record of supporting co-marketing arrangements on behalf of cutting-edge product development and manufacturing companies, resellers or distributors. Here are some examples.

Product development and manufacturing company examples:

  • Within seven months of undertaking the UK marketing of a global technology vendor, the MD told Rachael that they were now outperforming all other national branches in datacentre solution sales.
  • Solution Factors wrote the entire content for the European website of a well-known medical technology brand and created direct marketing material that remained unchanged and in use for 12 months. 
  • With only lab results and an interview with the developer as background information, Solution Factors wrote product literature for a novel PSA test – the first of its kind. 

Reseller or distributor examples:

  • Solution Factors helped to increase sales opportunities for an IT services and technology reseller company: it grew from 14 to 32 employees and from one to six offices within two years.
  • We simplified an established computer services company’s offering and promoted it primarily through direct marketing. It grew from £8 million to £24 million in six years, without a significant increase in head count.
  • Upgrading an IT services company’s image and improving its marketing copy took it from one to five employees within nine months.

If you would like to discuss engaging Rachael, please contact her on +44(0)1327 354 969 or

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